Using Facebook Connect Extension with the Targeted Content Widget

Use the Facebook Login feature to gain access to a visitor's profile information that may then be used in Targeted Content widget rules. For more information about Facebook Login, see Facebook Login.

You can add conditions to a Targeted Content widget once the visitor has logged into the site using their Facebook profile. Conditions can be based on any of the following characteristics.

See Also: Creating a Targeted Content Widget

Here is some examples of how to use Facebook profile information with the Targeted Content Widget.

Your Situation


If condition = true, Targeted Content widget displays

Facebook: gender

You create a hyperlink with product sales for men's shoes. For example

In the Targeted Content widget, you set the condition URL Parameter CID contains male.

A ContentBlock widget that promotes men's shoes.

Facebook: likes

You create content for visitors interested in Sony televisions.

For example:

In the Targeted Content widget, you set the condition URL Parameter CID contains sony.

Displays a ContentBlock widget containing Sony TV promotions.

For example code to do this, see the Knowledge Base article entitled "INFO:Targeted Content Widget: Facebook Connect Extension" located at

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